today was uneventful and unproductive...
i can't believe i have one week left...
i spent most of my morning trying to find something specific for the bunny hill group. i didn't find what i was looking for, but i did run into a friend and blog reader...
i spent most of my morning trying to find something specific for the bunny hill group. i didn't find what i was looking for, but i did run into a friend and blog reader...
hi annie!
it never fails...when you know exactly what you want, you can never find it. i ended up with something else, but i'm not thrilled by it.
between naps, school pick ups and tonight's quilt class i worked on finishing up the mini blocks. this is cheri's version of the diary quilt. mine won't have as many blocks or the borders. i'm going to frame mine. oh, and cheri added new quilts on her site. you can see them here.
it never fails...when you know exactly what you want, you can never find it. i ended up with something else, but i'm not thrilled by it.
between naps, school pick ups and tonight's quilt class i worked on finishing up the mini blocks. this is cheri's version of the diary quilt. mine won't have as many blocks or the borders. i'm going to frame mine. oh, and cheri added new quilts on her site. you can see them here.

i'm tired and my house is again a disaster and i wish that i had a robot that followed behind the children and picked up after them. i wish that pregnant women got a discount on toilet paper. and i wish that laundry did itself.
in my dreams...
Oh wonderful, laundry that does itself!! I remember how many loads of laundry I would have to do when my kiddies were growing up. With five, it was a lot. It seemed I never, NEVER got caught up!! Then there was the ironing, folding and putting away . . . sigh . . . take heart dear Julie, they do grow up and then you kind of miss having all that laundry to do . . . ALMOST! You miss the kids, yes, but never the laundry! haha Sleep tight!
PS - love all the quilt goodness you have shared this morning!
Oh my goodness....I feel like a celebrity. I got a shout out on my favorite BLOG!!!! looked BEAUTIFUL and your little guy is just scrumptious ( is it fair to describe a cute little boy like he is a cookie). Just know I am praying for you and your family at this special time. I can't wait to hear about the little one. God bless you and your very sweet family. XXXX
I love that school house quilt. I've seen a few people with it on their blogs, but have never seen the pattern. I saw Cheri's new quilts last night! Yes, I've been stalking it... lol She always has so many cute ones, it's hard to choose! Hope you have a good day!
I think I could have wrote the bottom part of these post, as I feel the same way. I am not ashamed to admit that today instead of picking up the house, finishing the laundry or even putting away the groceries, I took a three hour nap with Trey. Thank goodness I am pregnant as no one thinks a thing about me sleeping so long.
I also wanted to let you know I have a little bit of sunshine waiting at my blog for you!
I love schoolhouse quilts especially red ones. Yours is just great and how cute hanging by the cradle. Best wishes for your coming addition to the family.
Love the quilt, thanks for showing it.
Its on my list of quilts to make, don't worry about the laundry and the house it will all get done
enjoy your last few days before the baby comes and I sure hope you finish the quilt!
go for the epidural, don't play hero!
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