i measured it and it was a hair shy of 4 inches.
what does it become, a GIANT butterfly???
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Bub!!!
this weekend we celebrated bub's 14th birthday in the good 'ol desert with our good friends, the riddles.
although i failed to get pictures of the birthday candles that wouldn't stay lit thanks to the wind, or the spice cake that was lop-sided because bob didn't level the trailer, or the fabulous dinner i made...we had a great evening complete with pumpkin lights thanks to karen and a camp fire that i could have swore was going to consume the entire camp.
i won't get all mushy (bub would KILL me), but i will say that despite the typical teenage attitude that sometimes makes my blood boil, i've got one fine 14 year old son.
i am thankful for the help, love, kindness, and strength you show and the blessings you bring to your family through your hard work and devotion. you are AWESOME!!! hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend and i look forward to many, many more. (with the riddles!)
Happy Jack
some have requested the info. on this cute little wallhanging.
so here it is...
(polly's version)
Monday, October 19, 2009
A Handmade Halloween
i LOVE black, orange and white quilts
as well as, the much loved gifts from my mom.
this year my mom made this for my sister and i...
isn't it cute!
my favorites are the simple black and orange quilts.
and i will always love the primitive quilts and stitcheries.
the problem is, there are so many quilts, so many stitcheries and so very little time...
p.s. donna, the cupcake holder is really some type of egg holder that i got at a local nursery years ago. i don't even know what it's originally intended for, but i love it...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Fall{ing} for

Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Bunny Hill Group
got together today to work on the great block of the month that anne has designed.
i love any excuse to make cupcakes and i can't resist halloween,
so today i made these cupcakes with the witches hat cookies.
i also made this trail mix that i discovered last year in a country living magazine.
it's a huge hit.
(mix together halloween m&m's, roasted peanuts and candy corn. my kids like when i add mini oreo's and goldfish crackers to the mix, but the original country living mix is just the three ingredients.)
(picture from country living)
hope your having a great weekend!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tomato Cage Ghosts
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Making of a Scarecrow!
everything she does is so well done and cute.
this year i decided i would do it.
you, too, can make a scarecrow!
start with a 6 foot stake, a 3 1/2 foot stake and a carvable pumpkin
put them together like this.
you want to screw the smaller stake to the larger one just below the base of the pumkpin.
then the clothes! i found some at our local goodwill...
use raffia to tie the bottom of the shirt and the pants.
stuff the shirt, arms and legs with a ton of newspaper
and then use a small hay bail from michaels to fill in the neck, arms, and pocket.
you can attach a crow with wire to his arm, add a straw hat and a face
and your scarecrow is complete.
now all i need to do is plant some fall flowers, add some pumpkins and accessories and my fall display will be done.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Go #44!!!
the vipers have won all their games so far!
i don't have a clue about football so here's what i do know...
bub is the wide reciever, he has made several interceptions, one touchdown (that was announced over the intercom at school..."embarrassing!") and he discovered tuesday that he could knock people over as long as it was with his shoulder and not his hands (it's flag football).
with that in mind, he knocked a kid to the ground on thursday and consequently ticked off a samoan kid who took found revenge by using extreme force.
as bub put it, "i got WORKED!"
all was well, that ended well.
lesson learned...
don't tick off the samoan kid!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
I'm Sorry Honey
to ride these!!!
besides, your way too important to us to have something really bad happen to you.
so i'm putting my foot down {did you hear that}.
i have a man coming tomorrow to buy the bikes...
it's for the best honey. after your accident the other day and the trip to the er and the terrible bruising that makes me want to barf when see it, i had to make an executive desicion.
hope you understand, love you!!!
p.s. just kidding!!!
but seriously honey, could you take it easy, i'd like to keep you around for a little bit longer!!!