that i'm pregnant is something i try to do creatively.
when we found out i was pregnant with the happiest baby i gave each of the kids a piece of cardstock with a word written on it. when i was ready to take the picture, i had them turn the paper around and read it.
i captured a great picture.
this time i thought we'd make it a family home evening night.
we'd been wanting to take the sprinter to the pier, walk on the beach and get a bite to eat at ruby's that is at the end of the pier.
so that's what we did.
we took the sprinter, the younger kids LOVED it.
when we got to the end of the tracks, we realized that the walk was a bit farther than we expected
(we should've brought a stroller)
when we finally got to ruby's there was a bit of a wait and the older kids were getting impatient
and the little princess was being a pill.
dinner was good, the baby was not and we hurried through our meal.
when we found out i was pregnant with the happiest baby i gave each of the kids a piece of cardstock with a word written on it. when i was ready to take the picture, i had them turn the paper around and read it.
i captured a great picture.
this time i thought we'd make it a family home evening night.
we'd been wanting to take the sprinter to the pier, walk on the beach and get a bite to eat at ruby's that is at the end of the pier.
so that's what we did.
we took the sprinter, the younger kids LOVED it.
when we got to the end of the tracks, we realized that the walk was a bit farther than we expected
(we should've brought a stroller)
when we finally got to ruby's there was a bit of a wait and the older kids were getting impatient
and the little princess was being a pill.
dinner was good, the baby was not and we hurried through our meal.

after dinner, we walked on the beach. i walked ahead quite a bit under the guise of "photographer". when i got a good distance away, i wrote "4 + 1 = 7" in the sand. when the little princess got close i asked her if my addition was right. she wasn't sure what to say and asked bub. he said "no!" i told them that they were wrong. of course 4 + 1 = 7. bub got a bit frustrated and began to cross out the 7 and correct my error. sissy, by now was catching on and i quickly explained to my kids that 4 isas + 1 baby = 7 isas. it took bub a minute to catch on and in the right center picture, sissy is laughing at bub's "lameness". it went well and the trip home was a mixture of emotions.
bob and i were wondering (after taking the usually happy baby to dinner) what in the world we were thinking when we decided that 5 would be great and when in the world would we be able to go to dinner with the family again.
the little princess was so happy and kept making sure that i really was pregnant and that i wasn't teasing.
bub wasn't too sure, he's sick of sharing a room
sissy was on the fence, she would be leaving soon and is afraid the baby won't know her.
life is good. happy monday.
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