to me...
and Happy Mother's day to you!
i'm honoring this fabulous day with a giveaway!
you'll have an opportunity to win two prizes.
the first is this kit
(a 'sweet' charm pack, 1 1/4 yd. white fabric and 1/3 yd of a coordinating print)
and Happy Mother's day to you!
i'm honoring this fabulous day with a giveaway!
you'll have an opportunity to win two prizes.
the first is this kit
(a 'sweet' charm pack, 1 1/4 yd. white fabric and 1/3 yd of a coordinating print)
the kit is for this quilt that jodi made for moda bakeshop!
i just love it and her!

(the picture is taken by jodi, from moda's site)
to win this prize simply leave me a comment. for a second chance to win, post about this giveaway on your blog and leave me a second comment letting me know that you did, if you don't have a blog you can send your friends a link to my blog (include me in your email).
the second prize is this jelly roll of the 'sweet' fabric (can you tell it's my favorite!)
to win you must be a 'follower'.
the giveaway ends on friday the 15th at 9pm (pst) and the winners will be announced by saturday at noon.
thanks for visiting and thanks for your comments and kind words. you guys are great! blogging is a blessing!
Happy blogaversary Julie and also Happy Mothers Day. I hope you have had a special family day.
So fun!! Great items!! Happy Mothers Day :) Just looking at your favorite shops... we must live close to eachother. I am always at the coop and Cheryl taught me how to quilt at Tem. Quilt co. Small world..
Congratulations on your blogaversary. Special wishes for Mothers Day to you. Hope it was a great one. Happy days.
The fabrics are so pretty!
Happy Happy Blogaversary and Mothers Day!
oh I just love these fabrics , adorable quilt I would love to make it too!
Happy Blog-A-Versary to you! And Happy Mothers Day! Please enter me in your drawing - I have been a follower since I joined Blogger. :o)
Enjoy your day!
Happy Mother's Day and thank you for this giveaway - Happy Blogaversary! Please enter me!
I'll also send an email telling my friends! :)
Happy Blog-A-Versary and Happy Mothers Day! I have you listed on my blog roll and read you nearly daily. And...I just became a follower on your site! Please enter me in your drawing - I will also blog about you and your sweet giveaway! :D
Such nice prizes! I'll post about it sometime today. Happy Blogaversary and Mother's day all together ~ Have a great day!
Happy Mother's Day! What a wonderful giveaway! I love the quilt that was on Moda Bake Shop. It is so sweet! Fingers crossed.
Julie--you know how much I appreciate all of your blogging wisdom! I love it! The fabrics you chose for your giveaway are some of my favorites, too! Happy blogaversary! I hope you know how much you inspire others! Have a wonderful day!
I posted about your giveaway on my blog and I even created my first "link" to your blog on my blog! I am so proud of myself! It even works! Seriously, though, you are awesome! Thank you so much for all you do!
Congratulations! I love your blog and I am a follower. Happy Mother's Day, too!
Happy Blogaversary,
I have enjoyed your blog so much, it has been a wonderful way for me to keep up with the family. I Look forward to waking up every morning and reading the news in your beautiful world. What has impressed me most is your gift of writing, you have many talents and this is just another of your many gifts.With such pride.
Love you Mom
Happy Blogaversary! And what "Sweet" giveaways! Of course I'm already a follower of your blog!!! Have a great Mother's Day!
Happy blogaversary and what a sweet kit giveaway, thank you for the chnace. Happy Mothrer's Day too!!
I am a follower, so again what a sweet giveaway, thank you!
Hi Julie!
Happy Blogiversary to you!
I love reading your blog!
Thanks for the chance to win your "sweet" little giveaway :)!
I also just blogged about your giveaway!
happy blogaversary & happy Mother's Day! would love to win your giveaway & make Jodi's quilt.... it's adorable!
oh, & I blogged about your giveaway too
Happy anniversary of your blog and Happy Mother's Day! You certainly chose some lovely thing to give a way!
Of course, I have been following for a long time.
A very Happy Blogiversary to you! And a Happy, Happy Mother's Day.
Happy blogging Anniversary and Happy Mothers Day to you too! I would love to be in your give away.
I am posting this on my blog. I am so excited to be in your give away. I have you on my bloglists so I can see when you post something new but I wasn't a follower but now I am.
Happy blogger-versary...thanks for the good give away. so Sweet.
Happy happy Blogiversary and Mother's day too! I'd love to make that adorable.
I've seen that quilt going very cute! Happy blogaversary to YOU!
Happy Blogiversary and Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Recently found your blog. Love it. What a fun give away for Mother's Day.
Congratulations and thanks for the chance.
what a nice giveaway. happy mothers day to you, too.
Happy Mother"s Day julie
You are such an inspiration to me. I wake up everyday looking forward to your blog. May God continue to bless you
Happy Mother's Day Julie. Love your blog. Look forward to it every day. You are such an inspiration to me. God Bless
Happy Mother's day to you! Great giveaway! Please enter me!
What a big day for you! Congrats on your blogaversary! Also happy mother's day!
You know that I don't quilt but I still love reading your blog daily. If I were to win the giveaway I will pass along these great prizes to my mother and aunt.
Thanks for always being a great place to come and relax and enjoy a good read.
Have a great day!
Hi Julie,
Happy blogaversary!!!! I am so glad to have been introduced to your blog. I am also so blessed to know you in person!! You are an inspiration to so many! Love everything you blog most of all your precious family!
Happy blogaversary and Mother's day!! Fab giveaway!!
Happy Mothers Day and Happy bloggerversary!! I hope you had a great day.
I loved that little quilt when I saw it on the moda bake shop - I think it must have many fans, its so cute!
Happy Blog anniversary, my friend Julie (you know her as Julia) from Fat quarters told me about your blog and I LOVE it and check it all the time! Thank you!
I did a post all about your blog! Check it out hope you like it and hope some of my friends become followers!
Happy Bloggiversary Julie! What a beautiful giveaway you are hosting. Whomever wins will be very lucky indeed!!
Oh oh oh .. I just love this fabric I ahh...just need to and hope for some luck..right.. :o)
Have trid to find this fabric line in sweden but to no luck yet.. but stilll searching...:o)..
Ok..back to blog to post about your blog.. and I am already a follower so Good luck to me ..and all of you !!!
Forgot to say Happy Blog-A-Versary..:O)))))
You have such an inspirational blog..I love to visit.. and for the record.. have posted your giveaway on my sidebar.. :o)
Happy Mothers Day and Blogaversary!
Love the giveaway.
Happy Blogaversary and a Happy Mother's Day to you. What a great and generous giveaway.
Happy Blogaversary Julie -- and I hope you had a very Happy Mother's Day. Your new little kitty is adorable! We had to bottle feed a kitty once years ago and it was lots of fun.
Happy anniversary! Isn't it amazing how many wonderful friends you have made along the way?
Thanks for having such an inspiring blog for us to follow.
Wow, 1 year! So exciting. I love your Blog and am going to put a link on my new blog today too! Happy Mother's day!
Happy Mother's Day and Blog-a-versary! You are great. Thanks for inspiring us! (The prizes look so wonderful, too!) :)
I just emailed friends about the giveaway and put your address on it, too. Thanks!
i posted about this on my blog.
OOHH OOHHH thanks for dropping by and telling me about your amazing blogaversary give away :) Please enter me in your drawing ;) LOL yes nice new fabrics would put a smile on my face :)
Hi Julie happy blogaversary!!! your children are adorable!! I found your blog from aunt pitty pat's love that girl!! and I also love fabric so please count me in the draw!!
Happy blogaversary to you and your blog..You have a wonderful blog with lots of inspiration...I will put some words about your giveawya at my blog...
Julie! Aaack! I love Sweet fabric...and I don't have any! Isn't that horrible? Poor poor me! :o) Sign me up for the giveaway please!
Congrats on your blogaversary! What a wonderful give-away! Thanks for your generous spirit!
Happy blogaversary! I just found you through LibertySweet.
Your blog is so cute!
Hi Julie! I'm thrilled you like my Shabby Roses BOM! Thank you! :-)
I love those prizes in your giveaway so please add my name to the draw. I'll share on my blog and I'll be back...
I've shared about your giveaway on my blog, Julie. Thanks for the extra entry! I *love* the prizes your are offering. :-)
Woo hoo! Happy blogiversary!
Hi Julie - just a note to let you know I am now a follower and added your giveaway to my blog!
Hi Julie! Happy blogaversary!!! And Happy Mother's Day. What a great way to cheer someone up with those "sweet" fabrics.
What a lovely giveaway! Happy Blogaversary! I am a follower!
Happy Blog-a-versary!!! What a great giveaway!!! I love the fabric. I'm a follower. I hope I win
I put a post on my blog about your giveaway!!
Happy Blogaversary Julie! And what darling fabric...I would love to make that darling quilt.
Congrats on your "First Blogaversary". I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to many future entries.
Julie, I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
grats on your aniversary, please include me in the draw. I became a follower today and have blogged about you giveaway aas well.
Oh, the fabric is beautiful.
Congratulations on your blogaversary! Just became a follower. What great giveaways! Loved reading your blog and will be coming back for more visits. It's always nice to make new blogging friends. Hope you come by for a visit.
Hugs :)
What a nice blogg you have! Just found out about your Happy Blog-a-Versary. A great idea!! Wonderful items that will make anyone happy!!
Thanks for a lovely blog and a very nice giveaway. Here is a link to my blog.
Happy blogaversary & thank you for a sweet blog & just as sweet a giveaway! I'm off to post about it on my blog!
Hey Julie, First of all happy Mothers Day, and Happy Blog Anniversary.I would love to be part of the celebration, the fabric is to die for, it is so pretty. Sorry no blog but I will send my sewing friends the link. Thanks so much.
felcicidades por el cumpleaños de etu blog,es un placer conocerte, tienes unos trabajos preciosos, besos
Me encanta la colchita, yo llevo practicamente dos meses haciendo patchwork y estoy enganchada y todo lo que veo me gusta.
Hi Julie! Just letting you know that I posted about your giveaway on my blog! And thank you for stopping by! BTW: Where in Hawai'i is your hubby from? What a small world, huh?
Happy blogaversary Saw your address on Arianes post
Enjoyed your blog very much
Hey Julie Just found your blog I have put you in my favourites so you will be hearing from me again.
Hugs Mary.
I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
Hugs :)
This is awesome! I don't have a blogspot but two of my daughters in law do. I love following them! Thanks Julie!
was für ein wunderschönes giveaway. gerne poste ich deinen blog auf meinem.
liebe grüße aus germany
Happy Blog-A-Versary Julie!
I'd love to win your great prizes... of course :-)
Lovely prizes. Found your blog via Stina. Have become a follower and put your giveaway on my sidebar. Have a nice day!
Congratulations on your blogaversary. Special wishes for Mothers Day to you. Hope it was a great one with your family.
Hi Julie...Happy Blogaversary! Thankyou for offering the gorgeous fabrics as a giveaway; I'd be delighted if you would count me in.
Kind REgards
Happy blog anniversary Julie, what a wonderful giveaway, and another terrific blog to visit!
Happy Blogaversary and Mothers Day from Spain!
hi, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Hope you had a great sunday
greetings from germany
Happy Blogiversary and hope you had a Happy Mother's Day. It is beautiful fabric.
I'm signing up for a chance to win those fabulous prizes.
Connie W aka Cootie Bug 2
Red! My absolute favorite color! So very nice of you to have this give-a-way. Happy Anniversary!
Barbara in TN
What a lovely giveaway, please count me in!
Happy Blogaversary Julie! I absolutely love your giveaways! What a creative idea. I am also following your blog on my Reader. I love your blog!
I love the fabric in your giveaway. Please enter me.
I just added you to my blog. And in my side bar so people can find your giveaway. I sure hope I win.
I have only been blogging since Jan. this year. I love it.
felicidades me encantaria participar en el sorteo un beso
Happy bloggiversay Julie. The fabrics are beautiful. The winner will be very spoilt.
Happy Blogaversary and Mothers Day from Sevilla, Spain!
So, I pop on over here to see what all the fuss is about and I get to hear "My Wish"...well, now I have to stay just cause I love that song. (great choice!) Then I read on your side bar your likes and I knew...this was going to be a great blog for me to check out! Yes, it. I hope you'll get a chance to see mine as well..though sorry no music. :-) Congrats on your Blgaversary!! Seriously though...come visit.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! And thanks for the great giveaway! :0)
Please add me to your fabulous giveaway. Love the charm pack!
I also added you to my google reader so I am now a follower! Love your giveaway.
Happy Blog Day! okay so it passed but you are still celebrating aren't you? Thanks for sharing.
Happy Happy Blogaversary! What a great give away! The fabrics are wonderful!
I just posted your give away on my blog! Hope your Mother's Day was Great!
!!! E que lindo seu giveaway. Vou colocar em meu blog e seserei um seguidor também!!!
Hello. This is my first time here at your blog. I would love to be entered into the giveaway.
And after taking a quick look around, I have decided I love your blog and will become a follower too.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy Anniversary!! Elefantz sent me. Can I play along in the giveaway?
I love the quilt from Jodi. It has been on my to do list.
Count me in. Today is my mom's 90th birthday and it may just be a lucky day for me - since I am posting this comment today.
I love chance to win-- great fabrics. Thanks in advance for sharing with quilters out there.
Happy Blogaversary! What a lovely blog you have created. I have toyed with the idea of starting one, & you have inspired me to get it done. If I can figure it out in the next few days, I'll "post a link" there.
Thanks for the chance to win the pretty fabrics and the darling pattern.
Good Morning Julie, Hope you had a wonderful Mothers day!! I love your site it's soo you....Iwill come again..
Hi Julie,
Thanks for the give-away. I always look forward to reading your blog and seeing what your up to. Happy Mother's day to you too. Your the best!
Super cute! As I have told you before I LOVE your blog its just so cute & very much you!
Happy Blogaversary to you!
I would like to participate in your drawing. I love the fabrics!
Hugs Anna-G
happy blogaversary! i love that little quilt and i enjoy your blog. hopefully i will get with it soon and create my own blog to share my quilts and travels.
cindy b
Hello again!
I´ve made a post about your giveaway on my blog!
Surelly I will visit you many more times.
Thanks for charing everything with so many!
Hugs Anna-G
Hi Julie, please enter me your giveaway and I'm going now to post about it. I've had you on my blog list and didn't know if that counts as a follower.
Keep Stitchen'
I woluld love to be in qyou giveaway - will post about it in my blog. Sølvi in Norway
Hi Julie - the posta about your giveavay is on todays post in my blog - may And I also signed up as a follower
Happy blogaversary! Great give away. The fabrics are gorgeous.
This is the first time I have been on your blog. These are great giveaways. I have put your link on my blog. I am now a follower.
Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"
Happy Blogaversary!! Lovely giveaway!
Hi Julie, I'm Kelly Drury's daughter,Kelsey Kim, don't know if you remember me...I heard through the grapevine that you were giving away had to check out what it was, and WOW, I want to win that quilt, it's gorgeous. Love the blog...your so talented!
For another entry, I blogged about your blog....
Congrats on your Blogiversary!
I can't believe I've not come across your blog before because we have common blogging friends.
I look forward to going through your past posts and have gotten through a handful of them. I've enjoyed everything I've read thus far.
Happy Mother's Day and thank you for this giveaway - Happy Blogaversary!
I just became a follower on your site! Please enter me in your drawing and I will also blog about you and your great giveaway in my blog
Regards from Spain, Canary Island
I posted about this on my blog now
Check it out hope you like it with translate to spanish and hope some of my friends become followers
Happy blogaversary Julie. I am also celebrating my 3 year blogiversary.
I just love these fabrics and would love to be in a chnace to win one.
Happy Blog-a-vesary! I found your blog from a friend's blog and by spending way to much time online!! I love and check it often!
What a great giveaway! I really hope to win one of these sweet gifts! ;)
Happy Blog-A-Versary!
What beautiful fabric - thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower. :)
I was sent here by Deb of Mountain Musings and would love to enter your blogaversary giveaway for that cute red charm pack. Thank you!
Cute header for your blog, by the way.
i will beacme in a follower just beacuse i loved your blog...beatiful...
also please I would like to participate in your giveaway...i will put your giveaway notice in my blog
Thanks for you generosity
Thank you for this giveaway - Happy Blogaversary!
Please count me in!!
I will post about your great giveaway in my blog
Ahhh,have a Happy Mother's Day!!!
I´ve also became a follower on your site!
Many thanks from Argentina!!
Count me in!
I would love to win this kit! Count me in. The quilt Jodi made is very cute!
Linda T
Thanks for the chance to win your fab. give-away!! You have wonderful taste!!!
Always up for FABRIC Can't get to MUCH! HAPPY blogaversary~
You are amazing and inspiring. I love checking your blog to see what you are up to.
Happy Blogaversary. I love the fabric in your giveaway. The quilt is very pretty too. Just joined as a follower. Am finding all these lovely sites to visit thanks to Jenny at Elephantz.
Happy Blogiversary! So glad I found you, I'm going to have fun looking through your archives.
Happy Blogiversary...
I arrived via Elifantz, wonderful blog!!I'll be following you from now on.
I hope i'm included even though I live far away.
What a lovely giveaway. Count me in!
hi!! congratulations on your blogaversary and mathers day!!!
please enter me!!
kisses from cordoba argentina!
la chio
ya publique tu sorteo en mi blog!! y ya sigo al tuyo!
un beso
la chio
First of all, Happy Blogaversary and Mothers Day.
In other way, thank you for this giveaway and I also blog about it in mine.
Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks a lot again.
Happy blogaversary Julie. And Happy Mother´s Day. I just love this fabrics and want to be in your giveaway. Y already made a post in my blog. Kisses from Argentina
I´ve also became a follower on your site!
Have a nice day;.) lovely fabrics!
I have made a link to your blog and borrowed the pictures of the fabrics we can win
Hola Julie! Feliz dia de las madres y feliz aniversario de tu blog. Quiero apuntarme al sorteo del aniversario. Tienes unos trabajos preciosos. Saludos y continua inspirandonos con tus trabajos.
A very Happy Blog-A-Versary to you...what a gorgeous giveaway♥ Please count me in♥
Happy Mother's Day and thank you for this giveaway. Grethe from Norway.
Just found your site by way of MaryJane. Please include me in the giveaway list
Hi...I'm back, just to let you know I have put you on my sidebar with a link back to you. Thanks again for the opportunity!!!
Happy blogaversary!! What an inspiring blog you have. Your hard work has inspired many to be "willing hands"!!
Yahoo....two great things. Finding your blog ( bookmarked it as a favorite) and the chance to win a prize. This is SWEET in every way.
Thanks so much and I can't wait to "get to know you" thru your blog. It looks delightful. XXX Annie
Congratulations on your milestone! Please add my name to your drawing.
Hey Missy!
Thanks for the invite to win. SWEEEEEEEEET!!!! I had a positive outlook on Mother's Day spent with my cute husband and kids after talking to you. Thanks for being a special friend to many and most of all to me. love you...
jen richards
Quiero participar por doble partida, para ello lo he linkeado en mi blog y me he hecho seguidora, me encantaria que me tocara.
Perdona que escriba en español pero mi inglés es muy malo.
Saludos desde España
Happy Mothers Day to you and me. I really must get around to having a blogaversary. I am having a few giveaways though so I feel better. Hope I win!!!
congrats julie, thanks for the pleasure of daily visiting your wonderful ceativity! keep up the great job!
Congrats on your blogoversary ! Please include me in your generous giveaway :)
Happ Bloganiversary! i like your give away and wish i could win.
Greeting Guilitta from germany
ooooh! please enter me into the drawing...i am now a follower also!
Please add my name to your "sweet" giveaway! I am a new follower. Thanks so much!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
i recently came across your web site -- what enticed me were the words, "willing hands." as females, mothers, women, grandmothers, we are all blessed with willing hands, are we not? i really enjoyed the pictures, vibrant colors, comments, articles and general chaos of your website -- the icing on the cupcake was your choice of music, very comforting - no one else does this. i will rejoin you often in the future. thank you for sharing with me, but remember, i can't blog! rita
Julie, your blog is a gift in itself. It is so inspiring and like I've said before, makes me want to be YOU! Your give-aways are tooo cute!! Hope you had a beautiful Mother's Day, you deserve it.
Hello, I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! I'm a new follower. I just found my way here via Harbor Hon (another new blogger I discovered). So far I've enjoyed what I've seen on your site! And I did see your family, after scrolling down and checking you the photographer's link - it's just beautiful! Peace and contentment is what I feel reading your blog, along with some smiles! Leslie
WOWEE.. What a nice giveaway. I would love all of that. Just found your blog through ELEFANTZ... Have a great weekend.
Happy Blogaversary!!!
I just discovered your blog and love it! What good timing...your having a giveaway! :-)
I looooooove the jelly is just to cute and since i have never had a jelly roll ( except the one below my waist) I am crossing my fingers I win :-))...Boy I am bold ! LOL
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your blog! Your give away is so nice. Thank you.
Cyndi V.
Just emailed your link to my sis and mom. I don't have a blogg. Also joined your followers, yeh!
Happy Blogiversary...
wonderful blog!!I'll be following you from now on.
I hope i'm included even though I live far away.
"Happy Blog-A-Versary to you, happy Blog-A-Versary to you..."
I hope that there will be many more to come.
Thank you for this wonderfull give a away chance.
Happy, happy Blog-A-Versary baby, got you on my mind! Or something like that! What a "sweet" give away. Love your blog. Here's hoping it's around for a very long time!
Happy Blogaversary! What a wonderful giveaway, thanks for offering it. Wishing you many more happy blog posts!
Hello, I've been trying to get in to comment for almost 2 hours, with no luck (computer keeps crashing, lots of problems). If it makes any difference, I posted on my blog about 2 hours ago, about your giveaway and your blog. I've already left a comment, so I'll settle for that! Good luck with your giveaway, happy blog-a-versary and many happy returns!
Happy Blogaversary! I've been thinking that I need some of this Sweet fabric, it's really nice. Please enter my name in your drawing.
I saw this in Jany's Look in the Nook ... cute!!
Hola, si llego me encantarÃa anotarme! Perdona mi español, pero me cuesta el inglés! Las telas son preciosas! Gracias! Saludos!
Happy blogaversary!! I just found your blog and it is SWEET!! (Pun intended) I will be posting this to my blog too!
Happy blogaversary, Congratulations, Felicitacioes y gracias por el giveaway
Whelp, I've become a huge Sweet fan lately! (It took me a while...)Thanks a lot for a fun chance to win. I'm so glad I found your blog. And yes, Jodi sure does some awesome stuff!
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