Thursday, October 30, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
Happy Birthday
mackenzie!!! way to go on the halloween contest! happy birthday to you!!! i can't believe you are 13. you are a beautiful young lady with so much potential. i admire your love for reading. keep striving for great things and don't ever settle for average. you have a kind heart and a quiet spirit and the Lord loves you. stay true to yourself and continue to be the leader that you are. we love you, kenz. love auntie julie
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Making a New Friend
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Weekend of Firsts
and what post would be complete without the little princess? she had a first too. not quite sure where the dare devil in her has been hiding, but she sure surprised us (well, she surprised me...bob said he wasn't surprised, she's "his daughter"). she's been on a quad once before, but this was definetly the first time she's really rode a quad on her own. she thought it was pretty cool to "stand up" and ride. it was the cutest thing to watch her and aaron ride. they were fantastic (those poor little thumbs!!!)
what could be better? wholesome family trips, shared with good friends. here are a few photos that tell stories we will always remember. thanks for's to firsts.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Yummy Halloween Treat

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008
Have I told you that...
i LOVE halloween? i made these pillowcases out of some vintage reproduction quilt fabric that i bought from here. bub and the little princess loved the minkie. even the queen wanted one after she saw the finished product. i'm tellin' ya, they're a hit! here's a link to a tutorial i found. enjoy!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
15 Years and Counting
wow...we've been married for 15 years. I remember being fifteen and "knowing" that I would one day marry my wonderful bob the builder. (looking back, he has always been bob the builder) of course, don't most teenagers think they are going to marry there first love? who would've thought that 21 years later, i'd be so lucky. yes, 15 years and 4 children later, i am the lucky one. i am thankful for the blessing of a happy marriage and a happy family. i am thankful for a husband who is dedicated and supportive, who holds true to the promises he has made and who would, without fail, always put his family first. i thank my Heavenly Father daily for the many blessings that i have been given. i look forward to the years ahead and the wonderful memories yet to make. happy anniversary honey, i love you!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Baby Boy Shower
i wanted to share the pictures of a baby boy shower that i co-hosted tonight. i love the blue and brown theme. it's easy to do. brownies, peanut butter pie, yummy cupcakes (for fantastic cupcake ideas, check out a this blog, you'll love it!) and the gorgeous fruit bouquet (that sharyn made) all made for great pictures and an even better dessert table. here's the recipe to a great, easy baby shower. hold a shower on a week day, start it at 6:30pm, serve desserts and a choice of drink, play the baby memory game (email me if you're curious), open gifts and eveyone goes home by 8pm. it's always a hit. here's a tip...i have two color themes (girl and boy) and it makes it easy to decorate. i'll post pictures of the baby girl shower i hosted. enjoy.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A "Minkie" Tip
i just finished making this baby quilt for a friend and i learned a valuable tip, i thought i should share. i love minkie. it's that soft, brown fabric you see in the quilt. its very popular and equally hard to work with, not to mention, a complete mess. anyway, i have a tip. when cutting your fabric, cut the minkie a 1/2 inch smaller. for example, this quilt was made from 6 1/2" squares of fabric. next time, i'll cut the minkie squares 6 inches instead of 6 1/2" like the other fabrics. likewise, if your pattern calls for 4 1/2" squares, cut the minkie squares 4 inches. i wouldn't recommend using the minkie for anything but squares or rectangles, way too stretchy! oh, btw...if your looking for a variety of minkie, click here. happy quilting.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
black & orange, with mice all over? a quilt, of course...check back this time next week to see how it turns out.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
We are all enlisted...

Sunday, October 05, 2008
A conversation for girls only...
While doing the laundry today, we ran across a pair of sissy's undies. Here's how the conversation went.
Me: "Bring these to sissy, please."
Lil' Princess: "Those things freak me out. When i get to be sissy's age, I don't think I'm going to wear them. I think they'll give me wedgies."
Me: "Yep, your probably right."
Lil' Princess: "I think i'll just wear my kind, they feel better and they're not so skinny."
The things children say... I love it!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Dolphins, Flamingos and Roller Coasters
oh my...
grandpa tony and grandma janice treated us to a trip to sea world today. bub, mackenzie and brandon got an early birthday present and participated in the dolphin interaction program. they had a great time. great memories...
journey to atlantis was a hit for the "big" kids and the wild artic ride was the little princesses favorite (i think she felt like the "big" kids).
and of course, no trip would be complete without a picture of a princess. it was a good day and the weather couldn't have been better. oh and p.s. for those nursing moms out there, they have a "nursing room"...yeah! i can't tell you what a blessing that was for me. thanks dad and janice, we had a good time.