Friday, April 30, 2010
I {heart} Miss Jump
i absolutely LOVE love LoVe it!!! can you believe she's giving it away!
A Recipe Book

my sister pointed me in the direction of a fabulous, new to me, blog and i just had to share this recipe book.
click here to visit michelle at mish mash and see her cute recipe book. she even has a recipe that sounds delicious, although given the fact that i've been baking cupcakes, cookies and banana chocolate chip bread, i don't think i'll be trying it anytime soon. i need to give my waistline a break! i will however bookmark it and maybe i'll even make myself a cute recipe book like this one... my spare time.
a girl can dream right!!!
{hmmm, i just had a thought...}
what a great gift it would make. birthday is in november. that gives you plenty of time!
i promise to not even ask what happened to all my recipes during the move ;)

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sneak Peaks...
and here's a peak at the {almost} finished top...
i'm still not sure about the gold, i wish it were a different shade
but we'll see how it turns out once the borders are on and it's quilted.
everything looks better quilted!
thanks for all the comments and votes of confidence.
you gals are nice!

look what cory has been up to!
it's wrapped!
i however would have preferred a pink floral myself with a nice contrasting gingham bow
but hey, what do i know about {wrapping}...
every time i post an update i confuse you all, so let me explain...
this is not OUR home, it's my in-laws home.
they are building this next door to the house they've lived in for 20+ years,
the house that we will be buying once this is done. {fingers crossed, prayers sent...}
we are hoping to move this summer. as you've seen i have started packing. michelle, the owner of my favorite local quilt shop, has been saving boxes for me. my goal has been to fill the boxes as she gives them to me. so far so good...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
"Are You Ok Grandma?"
The Drags at Fontana
headed to fontana to watch the races.

i cracked up because george got more pictures of gavin in one day
than i get in a year
{well almost}
and by the look on his face, you can tell that he was SO happy to have his picture taken ;)

thanks for taking him, jorge! he had a great time talking about cars
and dreaming of el caminos!

it was a good day.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Cupcakes & Quilting
i told my niece that i'd make her some of these delicious cupcakes and well, one thing led to another
and i decided to share them with others...
Monday, April 26, 2010
it helps when i don't {nap} with the babies!
i finished this top.
it's jan patek's star in a star quilt and it's HUGE!
and i cut the strips to make a triple irish chain.
and i even sewed the strips together!
holy cow, i'm finally getting my act together!
oh...p.s. evyn turned {two} months today!
she's so stinkin' cute.
she's smiling, cooing, and sleeping.
lift is good...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tricycle Extendo...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
It {pays} to have a happy boy!
because we were down three kids with only the little ones at home, shawn & i decided to head on down to the picket fence for dinner. we sat in the back by an elderly couple who couldn't get enough of our happy little guy. they were so sweet, they chatted with us for the remainder of their dinner and enjoyed nolan's humor and curly hair. when they got up to leave they said their goodbyes and nolan noticed that the man was "holding her hand". it was cute...a very nice couple.
when we asked for our check we were surprised to find out that they had paid for our meal. crazy! i couldn't believe nice was that!!!
we'll go back next week to see if they are there and thank them appropriately. it's heart warming to know that there are people in this world that are like that. i believe that there are more than we think.
i do believe that you reap what you sow. while we enjoy doing for others, it's often hard for us to accept help. someone once told me that those who serve others are blessed and by allowing others to do for us, we are allowing them the blessings that we enjoy.
i am grateful for the love and generosity of that couple and wish that i knew them.
Friday, April 23, 2010
You had me at the neosporin!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

and this one was cute i like the idea of the applique

of course martha always has great ideas. this one is from an old magazine, but i think i want the whole thing covered.

this is definetly a favorite! i LOVE pam garrison's work. click here for a free download of the embroidery pattern.

in the end, i decided that i would follow this tutorial and go with a simple cover like these...