Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A Random Post
he had enough of the mess all over the floor and decided to pile it all on top of her bed! hmmm, wonder where she'll sleep???
switching gears...
i'm not sure why i didn't do this 13 years ago! for years and years i have struggled with the backpack problem in this teeny-tiny house. i don't know why it took me this long to figure it out!this wall between the kids rooms has always been empty and i had a long over-do idea to do this!
and while we were doing that, bub was trying to teach a new dog an old trick with the help of an even older dog...
who knew that teaching a pup to walk on a leash would be such a task?
bub didn't!
hope your having a great weekend!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Cause for Celebration
we celebrated sissy's day by having a pizza party.
many of her family and friends came to celebrate.
i enjoyed seeing everyone, including aunt sandy whom we hadn't seen in a long time.
thanks everyone for making her day special. you mean a lot to us!
p.s. we ran into the mayor tonight at our ward social and he informed bob and i that every may 28th is 'her' day, not just yesterday...for cryin' out loud, it's like having two birthdays. it's a good thing i didn't give her a gift!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A New Day...

if you haven't seen the miche bag, you must go to their site. the idea is you buy the plain purse and change out the 'skins', giving you many, many different styling options. someone got smart! probably a man who was sick of his wife spending so much money on purses to match every outfit. not to mention the space it takes up...
(i'm sure 'jorge' can relate...huh, mom?)
go check it out!!!
and speaking of skins...
bob bought himself an early father's day gift. it's a cell phone skin (they actually have skins for most electronic devices). bob customized his with photos of the kids. if he were home i'd show it to you, but he's not... it was only $6.99 and the shipping was FAST! we both agree that every father will want one for father's day and at that price you can't beat it! so go here and download some photos! have fun!!!
oh, and not to forget...
happy 'sissy' isa day!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Finding the Good
Guess what Tomorrow is...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A Beautiful Woman
risa-isa, your beautiful inside and out! i'm glad you decided to do these!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Fabulous Finds on Friday!

and speaking of bags, jen from tatertots and jello has a great bag to make for our cute little girls!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Quilter's Daybook
Outside my sewing room window...
my dad made it for me a while ago.
with bob's help, it will soon under-go a complete makeover. stay tuned!
I am working on...this wallhanging.
after 6 years, i think it might actually get hung up this year!
On the Longarm is...this quilt that i shared with you yesterday. it is gi-NOR-mous!!!
and see that blank wall? that's about to change...
I thought I'd share...this picture! Oh.My.Gosh! I love it! do you remember the pillowcases that i showed you way back when? the flag day farm panel replicates this quilt.
Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What'cha Doin' Wednesday
it's a good time to pull out the red, white & blue!
last year i finally got this quilt finished.
it had been in my 'to-do pile' for 8 long years.

and this quilt is a scrappy flag quilt that i love.
the flags are actually a small version of the flags in the above quilt.
it's patti's and it's the biggest quilt i've ever quilted! holy cow, it took up the entire length of my leaders!!!
hmmm, on second thought, i think i'll decorate alitlle after each pass...
hope you had a great day!