kelsey, kenz, brandon, masyn, nolan and i all headed down to del mar to spend the day at the fair. the weather was great. overcast and cool. not too cool, just perfect.
our first stop was to see the farm animals. nolan LOVED the pig. that's him pointing at it. i LOVED the baby sheep (aren't they so stinkin' cute!) kenzie was hoping to see some bunnies, but no luck and instead we got a kick out of the turkeys. the two in the picture were irritated with eachother and they got all fluffed up over nothin' i'm sure. masyn was surprised at how big the cows were. they are just so cute. nolan liked the birds but not enough to hold one, so kelsey did. and of course, the tractors were a HUGE hit!

after the barn yard, we headed up and over to the kid zone, which btw the big kids really like just as much! masyn wasn't too thrilled about the decision to go on the ferris wheel, but she was a trooper and did. i told her to just keep her eyes shut. {good job masyn!} nolan wasn't to sure about it either until i showed him all the trucks lined up ready to race and then he hollered for jake and gavin the whole time. it was cute. the big slide made masyn feel like the big kids. she and brandon made the hike up all those stairs to ride down the huge slide on a carpet. the caterpillar, the maze house, the cars and seeing an old friend made for a great time.

at one o'clock we headed over to watch jake race in tuff trucks. derek and abe were racing too. we ran into bub who was there as part of jake's pit crew. needless to say, that was the boys favorite part of our day. gavin could barely keep nolan in his seat and thank goodness it was loud in there or else nolan's screaming would have embarrassed all of us! jake did well, i was super nervous, hoping he wouldn't crash and he didn't. he did however lose his drive shaft making the jump you see below. they were able to fix it for the second race.

the end of the day was spent in the "fun zone".
we cracked up at all the deep fried food. seriously, you name it and it's deep fried.
the 'big kids' went on some rides, we avoided the carnival games, face painting, and kettle corn {because kenzie is addicted} and had a great time checkin' out all the people.

it was a GREAT day.

p.s. check out the guy in the last collage behind the kids...he's picking his nose. i thought that was funny...