Sunday, June 29, 2008
My 5 Favorite Things This Week
Did You Know...

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Cute Paper Strawberries!

Friday, June 27, 2008
The first of few...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My Friend Carrie

some people have a knack for putting things together, carrie is definitely one of those people. it's the little touches that make her house one to envy. every little nook has something fun to look at and every couple months it changes to suit the season. if that wasn't enough, her yard is to die for and her girls are even cuter. i'm sad because soon she'll be moving, but i'm excited to see what she does with a bigger house. carrie, if you're reading this, i think your fantastic, it's good to be your friend. love, me
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Nana's Birthday
happy birthday nana! what are you, 47?
we had a good time hangin' out with family that we haven't seen in a while. it's great to have the family all together. so many cousins all different ages enjoying one anothers company. we are all blessed. and what better place to be than at aunt bunny's new house. the pool and the breeze were nothing short of fantastic and the, you did a fabulous job! way to order!!! it was a good day, a good day indeed!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Kim Henkel's Birthday Book

really quick, i have to post this stinkin' cute project before i go to the girls dance recital. kim henkel (her blog is listed) is teaching this at the pink pineapple today. i wasn't able to make the class but i was lucky enough to get a kit! the kit came in that really cute pink box all tied up. her treat was the cupcake "ice cream cone". can we say talented. i love her stuff.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tomato Pincushions

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dirty Laundry
my little princess had this red ironing board that inspired jill to create
this pint size clothespin holder and laundry bag.
maybe if my laundry looked so cute, i'd want to do it.
If friends were flowers...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
He's Three Months Old!

our baby boy is 3 months old today! it really has gone by way to fast. he's well over 15 pounds and is quite active. we all get such a kick out of listening to him laugh and coo. we definitely have been blessed with a great baby. people always ask what it's like to have teenagers and a baby and i have to say for anyone who's interested, it has been the best experience for my older two. there are so many lessons being learned and such a sweetness in a teenager that you might not otherwise get to see. they learn patience and love that only a baby can deliver. i wouldn't change a thing! we love you baby boy!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tyler & The Baby
My 5 Favorite Things This Week
Happy Father's Day!
bub was in heaven driving his truck in the field with jason. around and around and around he went. jason was really sweet to indulge him and be the adult supervision. thanks jason!
all in all i think it was a pretty good day. i hope all the fathers in my life had a great day. dad, george, dave, tom and phil...happy father's day, i love you all.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Preschool Graduation

Sunday, June 08, 2008
My 5 Favorite Things This Week
#1 baby's first laugh
Saturday, June 07, 2008
More Fabulous Finds
My Little Genie

i had errands to run today and had no intention of taking the little princess with me. looking at the picture you can imagine why. however, as i was about to walk out the door she came running to me asking to come. what do you no, you say sure, i'd love to spend time with you. i did ask her to change but it was no use, she really thought she looked great. it would have crushed her if i told her otherwise, she put so much effort into it. so, off we went me and the genie. we got a few looks but the smiles made her all the more confident. don't you wonder where that confidence goes...and at what point does a smile become a criticism. i could be the mom who fights the ongoing battle to make sure my sweet 4 year old is dressed impeccably every time we leave the house and make her as neurotic as the rest of us, or i can let her be herself and express her creativity thru her clothes even when it pains me to do so. it might be an uphill battle, but i'm going to do my best to keep her believing that a smile is exactly that, a smile. wish me luck.