are best when cookies are involved. today my sister and i took the kids to my moms to bake christmas cookies. it's been a christmas tradition that has endured 4 generations. little has changed since we were kids. i think the only difference is that the kids have more involvement in the baking and not just the decorating.
of course, the decorating is still a childs favorite. it's fun to watch them come up with their own ideas. the little princess has a very creative mind and one never knows what she'll come up with. i'm not exactly sure how this one turned out...
one thing has never changed and that's the type of cookies we bake.
no one goes home until we all have plenty of
spritz and grandma's brandy rings.
of course, when mom and i are involved something always seems to go wrong. this year we had a few problems with a batch or two (or three) of cookies. we were able to salvage one batch and the kids made these.
funny side note about these...when i was mixing in the food coloring, i got it all over my hands. i'm not quite sure why, but the little princess was very upset about this. when asked why, she said, "because i don't want to have a red mommy." after a while she moved on and everyone had a good time. the boys mostly were outside and came in to decorate and the baby even got into the action.
but we left most of the mixing to mom. maybe next year we'll let him give it a try. only not with maura's kitchen aid (right suz...)

i think the baby was alittle upset that he wasn't able to enjoy the fruits of our labor because, while we were packing the car he got into auntie's cookies...

and poor reagan, he didn't even share with her.

and after everything was cleaned and packed up...
we drove home with our cookies and more importantly...
our memories.
What a fun day for you! I love traditions. Today Doug's Aunt Sharon came down for her traditional Christmas fudge-making with Doug. One of our favorite times of the year. Those candy cane cookies are some of my favorites.
Thanks for the wonderful memories you made with my kids yesterday. I look forward to many more years of cookie making with you and the kids. Love ya suz
Great walk down memory lane with your traditions..thanks for warming my heart with my own memories
Oh. My. GOSH!!!! What a beautiful blog and home you have! Thanks so much for visiting me so I can find YOU!
It looks like you had a great time with the cookies. Can you give me some advice? I have one of those cookie presses (I think it's a pamperec chef one, so it's not cheap I don't think) and I tried those press cookies last year but I couldn't get the gun to "let go" or I couldn't get them to stick to the pan so the gun would let go? I don't know what it needs to do, but it wasn't doing it right and they were all goofy. Any suggestions???
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