this post is to give you all a glimpse into my day. a {real} day
because behind the pictures and quilts i'm just like everyone else, struggling to make everything come together and just trying to get through another day smiling.
so let me begin...
my day started out in nolan's bed with a sinus headache and sick kids. shawn's out of town and last night masyn, nolan and evyn were all sick with colds. at 6:30 pm i had given all of them medicine, put vicks on their feet and started the vaporizer. i was hoping they would all be sound asleep by 8 so i could watch ncis. {2 out of 3...not bad}
around 2am i decided that i couldn't take the coughing, snoring and kicking so i left my bed for nolan's. i was still awake as the sun started to rise and at 6:45 evyn woke up. i sent her into bed with the others and masyn turned on cartoons. that bought me about an hour.
at 8:30 we headed out to get my diet coke. my sinuses were killing me and i needed to get rid of that sick/cold taste in my mouth.
we came back home and i put the snotty nose kids in a nice warm bath as i cleaned & vacuumed up my bathroom and bedroom. that's when i noticed that nolan had wet my bed. and as you can see in the picture below, as of 6:30 tonight the bed was still unmade. guess i should go get the sheets out of the dryer and make the bed...
and note that this load of laundry that i started putting together before i noticed my wet bed is still lying on the floor with shawn's flip flops that have been there since sunday.
i did get this quilt, that i've had {forever}, loaded and started. i'll be honest. i have been really nervous about quilting it. i've searched the web trying to decide how to quilt it. i hope its {owner} likes it when it's all done. if i remember, i'll show you how it turns out.

i quilted, did some applique, got lunch and continued to take down christmas.
it's piled on my dining room table.
oh. and my mother in law brought over a {fruit salad} bare root tree this morning and it's still sitting where she put it and the kitchen has been neglected.
but here's the good part...
after lunch i decided to take a late nap with the kids {all feeling much better, minus coughs}.
when i woke up, i finally got a shower and checked my voicemail.
it was now 4 and i thought i should get out of the house.
i set out for walmart and patti's. i needed to bring her a quilt that i had finished yesterday.
as we leave her house, evyn who had been coughing, threw up all over herself.
i take her home, clean her up and leave her with gavin and take the others to go get dinner.
gavin requested jack in the box while nolan put an order in for chicken, french fries, ketchup and sweet & sour...
i get mcdonalds and head over to jack in the box. as i pull up to the drive thru nolan decides that he needs to pee NOW! i dump out masyn's lemonade and as i order he pees. i'm laughing and masyn is not impressed.
after we eat, i thought i'd better clean the car seat. while i'm at it, why not clean out the car and clean nolan's seat too.
for those of you with a mini van and an extra seat, this is great.
shawn took out the bucket seat and layed down carpet. i LOVE it!
so now it's 8:30. the kids are laying down. the bed is made. the room is picked up. the load of laundry that was on the floor is now washed. the car seat covers are drying. the car is clean. the trash has been taken out. i did a bit more quilting on the quilt and stitched on my prairie garden quilt. {i never did make it to walmart, the flip flops are on the floor and the kitchen looks the same}
i've said goodnight to chelsie and shawn and now i'll say goodnight to you.
and linda, if you're reading this...
lots of love.
hope you enjoyed my day!