after all the guests left our home we decided to head on down to the beach for low tide.
we were hoping to find lots of seashells for lexie to take home to utah.
we wanted to go to ponto to show her the tide pools, but given that it was memorial weekend and the weather was fantastic, there wasn't a parking space within miles, so we ended up further down the coast.

letting chelsie lead was our first mistake, letting her talk us into climbing down the cliff to the beach was our second mistake. thank goodness jake and gavin came or else nolan and i would never had made it down {...or back up for that matter!} the third mistake was made by keoni, when she didn't watch where whe was watching and stepped on a bee. {ouch!}

and as much as i dislike the beach, i don't mind a calm stroll at low tide.
we usually find neat shells and rocks but this time we were surprised at what we found.
{click on the collage below to see what we found all over the beach...}

insects. ladybugs and grass hoppers to be exact.
in my entire life i had never seen anything like it. ladybugs were everywhere!
gavin found a grass hopper friend that stayed on his shirt the entire time we we there.
we did find some shells, mostly clam. nothing fabulous like sand dollars (which were abundant about a month ago).
but for a little girl from utah, it was fantastic.
and that's what it was all about