she's {two}!!!

well i can't believe it! evyn is two!
we celebrated her birthday with a small family gathering on sunday evening.
masyn was put in charge of decorating and organizing the party and she did a most fabulous job!
grandma & poppy stopped by after church to wish miss rose a very happy birthday!
it was exciting to see that we were all on the same page. there seemed to be a united garden theme and no one planned it that way! love it!
can i just say how much i LOVE the picture above with nolan and evyn!
the guests arrived at 6:30. just in time to sing happy birthday and devour the strawberry trifle and flower cupcakes.
she had a great birthday!
and at two our {little} evyn rose is...
25 lbs 10 oz. & 33 1/2" long
(at 18 mo. she was 24 lbs 10 oz. & 33 1/2" long...interesting...)
she talks a TON and very clearly
she LOVES to {fix} things.
i told shawn she'll be his mechanic. {that's another story for another post}
she definitely runs the show. no matter what the show is...
she still refuses to keep anything in her hair
she'll wear anything, but only when she wants to. she's very particular about it.
{right now she will not take off the jammies nana made her and she has two different shoes on and one sock}
she's sassy and can be thorny at times. true to her name
she makes the ugliest little face and thinks it is hysterical.
{we are still trying to capture it on a camera}
i love it when she says..."hip...hip...hip...hip...HOORAY!"
the hip sounds more like a very high pitched "hIEp"
gavin and dad are still her favorites
my favorite is when shawn comes home and she runs to him with her right arm bent and swinging back and forth as if it makes her go really fast...maybe it does :)
wilson is her friend. she LOVES dogs.
nolan gets the brunt of most of her aggression and masyn loves having a sister to play with
and i get the snuggly girl who still wants her mommy when she gets an owie
she is our rose. we adore her. everything about her.
{as i write this post, nolan is calling me crying because she is being mean to him and trying to take his chair...did i mention she's bossy?}
so yes. we love everything about her and wouldn't want it any other way.
happy birthday rose!
you are PERFECT!