Friday, September 16, 2011


masyn has been trying to do a cartwheel. it hasn't been successful to say the least...

shawn, having one of his famous "shawn moments" decided to rig up some sort of pulley to help masyn.

it wasn't too comfortable and masyn wasn't very confident in his idea.

the picture says it all!

they ditched the pulley idea and went back to good ol' fashion practice.
with a couple of failed attempts and a sore noggin

they decided a helmet would be best!
{side note...i am CRACKING up at this point!}

let's just say, the helmet didn't help either!!!

at least this time she's laughing!

we need a professional!

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Katherine said...

Oh my gosh!! I am cracking up!!! So is Doug! I LOVE the picture of Shawn smiling while Masyn is crying. You win funniest post ever.

Unknown said...

so funny!